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This Week's Schedule

Join Us for Sukkot @ Stanton Street Shul

Wishing you a Chag Sukkot Sameach!

Please Find Our Sukkot/Shabbat Schedule Below:

Wednesday, October 16th, Erev SukkotCandle Lighting is at 5:55 PM
Don't Forget to Make an Eruv Tavshilin.
And don't forget to assemble your lulav & arbah minim before the holiday begins.

Thursday, October 17th, Sukkot Day 1, 9:30am Shacharit Services followed by a delicious Kiddush lunch in the Siempre Verde Garden Sukkah
Candle Lighting is at 6:54 PM

Friday, October 18th, Sukkot Day 2, 9:30am Shacharit Services followed by a delicious Kiddush lunch in the Siempre Verde Garden Sukkah
Candle Lighting is at 5:52 PM

Saturday, October 19th, Shabbat Chol Hamoed, 9:30am Shacharit Services followed by a delicious Kiddush lunch in the Siempre Verde Garden Sukkah
Havdalah is at 6:50 PM

Visit for more information and updates.

Please Find Our Full  Holiday Schedule  Below!

Thursday, October 17th, 9:30am Shacharit Services
Friday, October 18th, 9:30am Shacharit Services

Shemini Atzeret:
Thursday, October 24th, 9:30am Shacharit Services

Simchat Torah:
Thursday, October 24th, 6:40pm Maariv Services
Friday, October 25th, 9:30am Shacharit Services in Shul/Women’s Tefillah Group Torah Reading & Shacharit Services
A Festive Kiddush Lunch Will be Held at Approximately 1pm Following Services.

Visit for more information and updates.

Mazel Tov to Our New Rabbi, Rabbi Ben Birkeland!

We are so excited for the journey ahead, and look forward to many opportunities to learn, daven, and spend time together as a community. 

Below are the results of our 2024-2025 Board Elections.

Mazel Tov To the Members of Our 2024-2025 Board!

David Deutsch
Ethan Ellenberg
Michael Gordon
Judy Josephs
Felix Wolf

The below trustees are not up for reelection and will be serving the second year of their 2-year term:

Mona Klaber
Lina Morales
Marc Schwartzberg

  Annual  Membership  Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone who joined our Annual Membership Meeting, and to all who participated in our Board elections. 

Please Note: Membership Invoices have been sent out to all who held Memberships last year (2023-2024) and have not yet paid for the 2024-2025 year. Please reach out with any questions.

Thank You for Making Our Annual Fundraiser a Success! 

Thank you to everyone who joined us or donated towards our annual fundraiser. This year's theme was "Tequila & Kehila", and we were grateful to come together as a kehila to celebrate our beloved Shul, and all of the incredible people who make our community what it is. 

While the event has passed, we welcome continued donations towards our annual fundraising efforts.When donating online, kindly select "donation" as the payment type, and indicate "T&K fundraising" in the payment notes.

Stanton Street Shul Stands with Israel. 

Dear Stanton Community, 
We are shaking from the war breaking out in Israel. Hamas has fired thousands of rockets, over 167 citizens are hostages, and over 1,200 Israelis are dead with thousands more wounded. There are also thousands dead in Gaza -- innocent civilians caught in the line of fire. 
This is unprecedented and the most deadly attack on Israel in a generation. We must take action.
In addition to our prayers, we ask you to consider making a generous donation to one of the listed causes.
The One who makes peace on high, may He bring peace down below to us, 
Rabbi Ben Birkeland & The Stanton Team

The Tishrei  5785 Bulletin is Ready for Viewing!

Become a Member of The Stanton Street Shul


Patron Level

Family Level

Individual Level

Under 35 Level

Out-of-Town Family Level

Out-of-Town Individual Level


If you are already a member, it's time to renew your membership for the new calendar year at our shul. Please consider increasing your membership level.

If you are not a member, please consider joining!! We'd love to have you. 

Women's Tefillah Group  Services for 5785

Thank you to all who have joined us for services this year. Our schedule for 5785 is below.

If you would like to layn, lead services, or give a d'var Torah with us, or if you have questions, please be in touch!

Torah Reading (with aliyot for all) on Simchat Torah morning - October 25
Shabbat Parshat Chayei Sarah - November 23
Shabbat Parshat Beshalach - February 8
Megillat Esther Reading - March 13
Shabbat Parshat Emor - May 17
Shabbat Parshat Nasso - June 7
Shabbat Parshat Korach - June 28


StantonKids Programming for  5785

StantonKIDS Shabbat Programming for 5785

Shabbat Program November 2: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program November 16: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program December 7: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program December 21: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program January 11: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program January 25: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program February 1: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program February 15: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program March 1: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program March 15: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program April 5: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program April 26: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program May 3: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program May 31: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program June 14: 10:30am-12pm
Shabbat Program June 21: 10:30am-12pm

Shul History in Pictures

Click HERE to see more great photos from our long history as a landsmannschaft shul on the Lower East Side. 

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785