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Help us thrive. Join a committee! 

The Stanton Street Shul is a volunteering shul. We rely on the participation of our members, working in partnership with our lay and clergy leaders, to sustain and grow our community. Please consider where your talents, interests, and experiences could be of most value. To join one of our committees in formation please contact Shul President Marc Schwartzberg or any committee chair.

We welcome your participation!

Building Committee

The Building Committee manages the physical space of the shul.  The Committee is responsible for coordinating with contracted      vendors and volunteers to maintain the building; manage events  in gallery space; and plan for additional renovations consistent  with necessary repairs and Building Master Plan.

Development Committee

The Development Committee works to maintain current streams and cultivate new streams of revenue for the shul through individual giving and grants. The Committee is tasked with organizing and executing an Annual Dinner, overseeing fundraising events and campaign drives throughout the year, and                                         maintaining an inventory of named sponsorship opportunities.

Chesed and Hospitality Committee

This Committee manages the implementation of life-cycle necessities, including meal trains for births, deaths, other life-cycle events, and bikkur cholim, with appropriate attention. The Chesed and Hospitality Committee also coordinates tzedakah-related drives and activities; internal meal–sharing (community in-reach), bringing together hosts and guests to build community                                         strength; as well as community outreach inviting & welcoming                                               new people, offering hospitality and understanding who can host.

Women’s Tefillah Group

This Committee plans, oversees, and does PR for the popular Women’s Tefillah services at Stanton. They run the services, assign layning and davening responsibilities, and email their client lists to advertise programs. They coordinate special occasions such as Bat Mitzvah and Shabbat Kallah services.


Arts & Cultural Programming

The Arts & Cultural Committee plans and oversees arts, music, and cultural programming at Stanton.




Young Leadership

The Young Leadership Committee brings together members and future members who are under 35. This Committee plans and executes young professional dinners and special programming; and develops opportunities for young adult members and friends to participate and lead at Stanton & within the Jewish community.

 Fress-capades Food Committee
The Food Committee oversees and executes all food-related  operations. This includes maintaining inventory; ordering food and paper goods; receiving delivery of orders; refrigerating and placing items before Shabbat in the warming ovens; setting up/cleaning up kiddush and dinners; coordinating with volunteers and hired staff.


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee cultivates new and existing members. The Committee maintains the membership rolls in the ShulCloud database and oversees communication with members, in partnership with the Data & Communications Committee. The Membership Committee manages the annual membership drive                                            and annual meeting.

StantonKids Committee, Chairs: Elizabeth Miller & Aliza Deutsch

This Committee works together closely, through in person meetings and email communication, to plan and implement all children’s programming at Stanton, including monthly Shabbat classes for children ages 2-8, High Holiday programming for children of all ages (2 days of RH and 1 day of YK), and several Sunday and holiday programs in the shul and the Siempre Verde                                           Garden. These include: Sukkah decorating event, Lag B’Omer                                                 event, and Purim event. The StantonKids Committee employs and                                         manages several teachers who are paid by the Shul for their                                                   teaching hours in this program. This Committee has access to                                               ShulCloud and manages all PR for the programs including email                                           blasts, a client list, and website pages.

Ritual and Programming Committee

The Ritual and Programming Committee, in partnership with the Rabbi and Board, cultivates davening talent; ensures minyanim; assigns gabbaim and aliyot and kibbudim; plans and oversees holiday tefillah and programming; recruits and oversees high holiday “greeters”; maintains siddurim and chumashim; plans and oversees Shabbatonim; and brings in guest speakers.

Data & Communications Committee

The Data & Communications Committee oversees outward-facing communications including the shul website, weekly
e-news bulletins, annual newsletters, social media, brochures, and advertising. In partnership with the Membership Committee, the Data & Communications Committee gathers information from new and existing members and updates the ShulCloud database.

Security Committee

The Security Committee addresses the security needs of the shul and makes recommendations to the Board regarding security assessments and evacuation and emergency plans. The Security Committee oversees evacuation drills as well as maintains fire equipment and locks for the shul. The Security Committee works with contracted vendors, local police and elected officials, and   
                                        community member volunteers.


Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784