Women's Tefillah
Women's Tefillah Group
Join other Jewish women on the Lower East Side for women’s Torah readings and tefillah on Purim, Simchat Torah, and multiple Shabbatot throughout the year.
We're always looking for more women to layn and participate, so contact us if you're interested in getting involved or learning how to layn or lead services.
2022-23 / 5783 Schedule
Torah Reading on Simchat Torah on October 18th
Shabbat Parashat Chayei Sarah on Nov 19th
Shabbat Parashat Bo on Jan 28th
Shabbat Parashat Emor on May 6th
Shabbat Parashat Korach on June 24th
Rosh Chodesh Tevet on Sunday Dec. 25th (also Hanukkah)
Rosh Chodesh Sivan on Sunday May 21st
Celebrate Your Simcha at The Stanton Street Shul
We love celebrating lifecycle events with our members and friends! The Stanton Street Shul Women's Tefillah Group has hosted special Bat Mitzvah and Shabbat Kallah services. Please contact us to discuss hosting your simcha at Stanton.
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Wed, February 19 2025
21 Shevat 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:20pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:20pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
ZOOM Archive
Click HERE to go to our YouTube Channel to view or review any of our ZOOM classes, including our current series on Israeli Military History, taught by David Deutsch.
Stanton Has a BOOK CLUB!
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Daily Zmanim
Alot Hashachar | 5:23am |
Earliest Tallit | 5:55am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:45am |
Latest Shema | 9:27am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:22am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 12:10pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:37pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:20pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:28pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:35pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:17pm |
More >> |
180 Stanton Street, New York, NY 10002
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1008, New York, NY 10002
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