The Stanton Street Weekly Newsletter: Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
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Week of October 6, 2023 Tishrei 5784 Shabbat Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Erev Shabbat & Hoshana Rabah, Friday October 6, 2023 (21 Tishrei) Candle Lighting at 6:12pm
Shabbat Shmini Atzeret, October 7, 2023 (22 Tishrei) Services begin promptly at 9:30 am, followed by a delicious Lunch Kiddush open to all at 12pm. Yizkor will be recited at around 10:45 AM.
Erev Simchat Torah, Saturday night, October 7, 2023 (23 Tishrei) 6:45pm Maariv Services, followed by Hakafot
Simchat Torah, October 8, 2023 (24 Tishrei) Regular (all genders) services begin promptly at 9:30 am. Following Hakafot, two separate Torah readings will take place. One will take place at the regular minyan and one will be led by our Women’s Tefillah Group, with aliyot open to all participants.
Both services will be followed by a Lunch Kiddush open to all at approximately 1pm
Chag Ends at 7:08pm
Chesed Opportunity Our dear friend and beloved congregant, George Kleiner, is currently residing at Governeur Rehab on 227 Madison St. We encourage anyone who has time to stop by and visit. He welcomes and appreciates visitors. Misheberach Rachel Devorah bat Elke Cecile Cohen זיאסל מלכה בת אסתר Manny Kaplan מאיר ראובן בן לאה Chana Mera bat Fruma Henna Gitche bat Honcha Ella bat Leah Chaya Malka bat Esther Leia Nolan Rhodes נתן צבי בן פרידה Ashlynn Elizabeth Helen Coffman Ariella Ylena bat Rachel Devorah Moshe Asher Ben Esther Sarah Chaim Yechezkel Ben Leah Zalman Leib Ben Sarah Itka Reuven ben Rochel Rochel bat Devora
We pray that all who are sick may have a full recovery. To add a name to our communal misheberach prayer list,email us.
This Week, We Remember: Shlema Barsky, grandmother of Jeff Katz (October 12)
If you have a Yahrtzeit coming up, please reach out! We'd like to update our Yahrzeit database. Please send us your yahrzeit details. If you don't know the exact hebrew date, just let us know the date of passing and we will figure it out and add it to the shul cloud calendar.
Women's Tefillah Group Women's Tefillah Group Schedule for 5784 Exciting News: Our Upcoming Dates for Services/Torah Reading This Year are Announced Below! We look forward to seeing you at services. Torah Reading (with aliyot for all) on Simchat Torah morning at approx. 10:45 AM - October 8 Shabbat Parshat Chayei Sarah - November 11 Shabbat Parshat Beshalach - January 27 Megillat Esther on Purim night - March 23 Shabbat Parshat Emor - May 18 If you would like to layn, lead services, or give a d'var Torah with us, or if you have questions, please be in touch!
Triangle Fire Memorial Dedication
Please join The Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition on Oct 11th, when a new interactive Triangle Fire memorial will be dedicated at the site of the Asch/Brown building on Greene Street and Washington Place. People will be assembling at 11:30am for the noon ceremony. The unusual nature of a memorial being erected in a juried contest so many years later is a testament to the power of memory and ongoing activism.
Almost all who perished in 1911 were young female Jewish and Italian immigrants who died due to locked fire doors. They mainly lived in what was then considered the Lower East Side, Little Italy, and Greenwich Village.
Join us in remembering the dead at the site of the Fire, and in doing so, deepening the conversation on how engaging with New York City's past richens and informs its future.
StantonKIDS Shabbat Programming for 5784
Our Upcoming Program Dates for 5784 Are Below - We Can't Wait to See You & Your Little Ones There!
October 14 and October 28 November 4 and November 18 December 2 and December 16 January 6 and January 20 February 3 and February 10 March 2 and March 16 April 6 and April 20 May 4 and May 11 June 1 and June 15
If you missed services this past shabbes, or arrived too late to hear the drasha, you can go to our archives and read a copy! This week, find Lina Morales' drasha on Lech Lecha.
Click here for an archive of shiurim Clickherefor an archive of drashot Clickhere to go to our YouTube Channel for an archive of all of our ZOOM classes
Some examples of ways to get involved:
Try your hand at being a Gabbai for a week Plan fun events. Help maintain and improve our building. Extend chesed to our members in need. Brainstorm ways to grow membership in our shul. Strengthen connections to our external community and within our internal community.
(Note: You will always have support and assistance. If you want to try something you've never done before, we will guide you. You won't have to figure it out on your own. We encourage you and welcome you to give as little or as much of your time as you are able.)
If anything strikes your fancy, please fill out this google form. And consider grabbing a buddy with whom to volunteer.