Shabbat Vayechi Week of January 10th, 2025 Tevet 5785 Wishing you and your family Tzom Kal and Shabbat Shalom!
Friday January 10th,2025 * 10 of Tevet 5785
Tzom Asara B'Tevet: Fast starts at 5:47 and end at 17:19.
Erev Shabbat: Candle lighting at 4:30 pm
Shabbat January 11th,2025 ( 11 of Tevet 5785)
Shacharit Services in Shul will begin promptly at 9:30 am, followed by a Kiddush at 12:00pm. Everyone is welcome! Kiddush this week is sponsored by the house. If you'd like to sponsor Kiddush in the future, please reach out to
StantonKIDS will take place from 10:30 -12:00. We hope to see many familiar faces and also new ones!
IMPORTANT! We now have security for all services from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM.
Yeshaya Israel Chaim (Boyarin) ben Esther Malke Liba Miriam bat Channah Devorah ליבה מרים בת חנה דבורה Rachel Devorah bat Elke Cecile Cohen זיאסל מלכה בת אסתר Manny Kaplan מאיר ראובן בן לאה Chana Mera bat Fruma Henna Gitche bat Honcha Ella bat Leah Chaya Malka bat Esther Leia Nolan Rhodes נתן צבי בן פרידה Ashlynn Elizabeth Helen Coffman Moshe Asher Ben Esther Sarah Reuven ben Rochel Rivka bat Miriam Sara Eliyahu Natan ben Shayndel Shayna bat Chana Kayla Yitzhak Calev ben Leetza Tzvia Ashira bat Yosef Chaim Yonah ben Dubrah Efraim Ben Sore Shimon Sumer HaLevi Ben Malka Jim Lee Leah Zahava Bat Elka Barry Feldman Yaacov Ben Chaya Gitza Rochel Ben Chaya Gitza
We pray that all who are sick may have a full recovery. We are especially sending prayers to those who are wounded and in need of healing in Israel and Gaza, and daven for the safe return of those who are still unaccounted for. To add a name to our communal misheberach prayer list,email us. If you have a Yahrtzeit, birthday, anniversary or other milestone coming up, please reach out! We'd like to update our Yahrtzeit database. Pleasesend us your yahrzeit details. If you don't know the exact Hebrew date, just let us know the date of passing, and we will figure it out and add it to the Shul Cloud calendar.
StantonKIDS Shabbat Programming for 5785
Shabbat Program January 11: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program January 25: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program February 1: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program February 15: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program March 1: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program March 15: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program April 5: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program April 26: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program May 3: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program May 31: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program June 14: 10:30am-12pm Shabbat Program June 21: 10:30am-12pm
Torah Inspiration with Rabbi Birkeland
Dear Friends, This week we conclude the book of Genesis. After strife and upheaval, this week’s parsha almost constitutes a happily-ever-after for Yaakov and his family. Sure, there is some tension that remains, expressed in Yaakov’s blessing of his sons. There is also concern among the brothers that with Yaakov gone, Yosef will take revenge against them (a concern which Yosef lays to rest). But still Yaakov gets to live out his final 17 years in the calm of Goshen’s pastoral life, surrounded by family; so too Yosef and the rest of the brothers. But though this eventful first book of the Torah is settling into a calmer resolution, there is a big shadow that hangs over the nascent Children of Israel. Next week we will start the book of Exodus in which we read about a new Pharaoh who reigns over Egypt, enslaving the descendants of Yaakov and his twelve sons. This enslavement and subsequent exodus is a central aspect of Jewish identity, culture, and theology. As post-Egypt Jews, we read this week's parshah and cannot help but think of next week’s parshah. But this descent down to Egypt has always been a part of the plan. If we think back to parshas Lech L’chah, when God and Avraham made a covenant, the Torah tells us: “As the sun was about to set, a deep sleep fell upon Avram, and a great dark dread descended upon him. And God said to Avram, ‘Know well that your offspring shall be strangers in a land not theirs, and they shall be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years;’” (Gen. 15:12-13). Yosef has been telling his brothers to not feel guilty for having sold him into slavery because really it was God who sent him to Egypt to prepare for the famine. But it is also clear that God is setting the stage for this next, darker, chapter of Jewish history. Why the Jewish people needed to be formed in the crucible of Egyptian oppression is a challenging and important question but it is beyond the scope of this column. All I really want to focus on at the moment is that the book of Genesis has largely been the beginning and slow unfolding of everything which God promised to Avraham. We saw Avraham’s promised offspring, and the offspring of his offspring. We are now on the precipice of the Egyptian exile- also a part of the plan. Just as God has fulfilled these preliminary aspects of the covenant with Avrahm, we can rest assured that God will fulfill the rest of this covenantal agreement. When God warns Avraham about Egypt, God says “but I will execute judgment on the nation they shall serve, and in the end they shall go free with great wealth” (Gen. 15:14). God makes a similar promise to Yaakov upon his descent to Egypt. These promises of deliverance were known to the Children of Israel in Egypt and it was the fulfillment of past promises coupled with a promise for the future that helped to sustain them through the trials of Egypt until God sent Moshe to bring them out. So too may we find strength in promises fulfilled and promises yet to be fulfilled even when the interim is dark and difficult. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Birkeland
Women's Tefillah Group Thank you to all who have joined us for services this year! Our schedule for 5785 is below: Shabbat Parshat Beshalach - February 8 Megillat Esther Reading - March 13 Shabbat Parshat Emor - May 17 Shabbat Parshat Nasso - June 7 Shabbat Parshat Korach - June 28 If you would like to layn, lead services, or give a d'var Torah with us, or if you have questions, please be in touch!
Happening in the City
Attend an Upcoming Jewish Art Exhibit, Featuring Community Member David Wander
We are shaking from the ongoing war in Israel. Israeli citizens, among them Americans, are still hostages in Gaza. You can find information on them and on their families' efforts to release them here. Over 1,800 Israelis are dead with many more wounded. There are also innocent civilians caught in the line of fire in Gaza and Lebanon.
This has been an unprecedented and the most deadly attack on Israel in a generation. We must take action!
In addition to our prayers, we ask you to consider making a generous donation to one of the listed causes.
The One who makes peace on high, may He bring peace down below to us. Amen
If you missed services this past shabbes, or arrived too late to hear the drasha, you can go to our archives and read a copy! Click here for an archive of shiurim Clickherefor an archive of drashot Clickhere to go to our YouTube Channel for an archive of all of our ZOOM classes