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Weekly Update - Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol

Stanton Street Shul Weekly Newsletter
Week of Mar. 23, 2018 / Nisan 7, 5778

Parashat Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol

Support the Stanton St. Shul

We rely on your generosity to keep us going with weekly prayer services, kiddushim, classes, kids programming, women's tefilah, cultural programs and other events. Click here to make a donation to the Stanton Street Shul! (We need your moral support, too: Click here to "Like" us on Facebook!)

This Week's Schedule:

Erev Shabbat, March 23 (Nisan 7)
6:53p Candle Lighting
7:00p Kabbalat Shabbat / Ma'ariv
7:30p Shabbat HaGadol - Community Shabbat Dinner


Thank you to our dinner sponsors: David Silverman, Alvin Goldstein, Alan Schwartz, Hilda and Reuben Epstein, Erik Leung and Peretz Berk, Barry Feldman and Jeff Katz. 

Shabbat, March 24: Shabbat HaGadol, Tzav (Nisan 8)
9:30a Shacharit
10:30a StantonKids Shabbat (Ends at 12:00p) - Sponsored by Paul and Phyllis Ruffer, in honor of Paul's mother Edith Ruffer z"l


11:45a Yahrtzeit Kiddush for the Victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - Sponsored by Dr. Elissa Sampson and Prof. Jonathan Boyarin.

6:30p Mincha


Followed by Seudah Shlishit and study of the Haggadah with Rabbi Aviad Bodner. Bring your haggadot!

Seuda Shlishit this week is sponsored by Dr. Elissa Sampson and Prof. Jonathan Boyarin.


7:55p Maariv

8:02p Havdalah


Sunday, March 27 (Nisan 9)

10:30 a Chalking in Memory of Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - click here for more details.

Monday, March 26 (Nisan 10)
No Monday Classes this week -  Classes will resume after Pesach

Tuesday, March 27 (Nisan 11)
7:30p Introduction to Practical Judaism Class - Shabbat Part 1

Don't forget to send your chametz forms to RAB!


Announcements & Upcoming Events

Shabbat HaGadol Community Shabbat Dinner - Friday Night, March 23

Thank you to our dinner sponsors: David Silverman, Alvin Goldstein, Alan Schwartz, Hilda and Reuben Epstein, Erik Leung and Peretz Berk, Barry Feldman and Jeff Katz. 


Registration for this dinner is now closed.

This Shabbat - StantonKIDS Program- March 24

We look forward to see you for a pre-Pesach StantonKIDS program this Shabbat morning, from 10:30am-12pm. Morah Leslie will be leading the program, and she is looking forward to seeing everyone!

We thank our program sponsors, Paul and Phyllis Ruffer, who sponsored this weekend's program, in honor of Paul's mother Edith, who delighted during her retirement years working with children. 

For a complete schedule of our StantonKids program, please click here.

Yahrtzeit Kiddush for Victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, Shabbat Morning

The Stanton Street Shul invites the public to remember with us all those who perished in the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. Please join us to honor their memory with a traditional Lower East Side Yahrtzeit kiddush sponsored by Dr. Elissa Sampson and Prof. Jonathan Boyarin. Most of those who perished were young women and girls who lived in the Lower East Side and Little Italy in close proximity to our historic Lower East Side immigrant Shul built in 1913. Their ongoing struggle to earn a living as poor immigrants reminds us of the necessity of defending immigrant rights, and the rights of poor people today. May their memory be a blessing for all of us.

We will be chalking in memory of the victims on Sunday morning, click here for more details.

Sell Your Chametz!

Before Pesach it is a requirement to eliminate all chametz (leavening) from our possession. However, in those circumstances where elimination is not an option, Jewish law does allow for chametz -- especially and preferably only in non-bread-like form (e.g. liquors, mixtures, etc.) -- to be sold to a gentile.

Arrangements for such sale may be made through Rabbi Aviad Bodner. To do so, download the form by clicking here, fill it out, and return it to Rabbi Bodner NO LATER than Tuesday, March 27. You can email your form directly to Rabbi Bodner at

Please note that Rabbi Bodner will be selling Chametz only for those who are spending Pesach in the New York time zone. Rabbi Bodner does not accept personal monetary gifts for this service. He does however, welcome contributions to the Synagogue which will be used to fund classes, events, and programs.

Communal Seder with Rabbi Aviad Bodner - Saturday Night, March 31 - SOLD OUT

Our Shul will be hosting a meaningful and uplifting Passover seder in the Lower East side with the Stanton Street Shul community, where we will experience the exodus together and regard ourselves "as if we had come out of Egypt." The seder is sold out. To be placed on a waiting list email:


Thank you to our seder sponsors: NJOP, Steve Kay, Anonymous, Alvin Goldstein, Rabbi Robert Jacobs, Steve Reich and Beryl Korot, Paul and Phyllis Ruffer, Jeff Katz and Margie Segal.

Seventh Day of Passover Community Dinner - Thursday Night, April 5th 

Stressed about cooking for Pesach? Let us take care of one of the meals for you. Services will begin at 7:20 pm and dinner will start at approximately 7:45 pm. Please register for the dinner ($35 members, $40 non-members, $100 very appreciated sponsors, includes dinner for two) on our website.

Questions? Want to help us with set-up or another volunteer role? Email us at 

Yom HaShoah Commemoration Service with 3GNY - April 11, 7:00 pm

The Stanton Street Shul and 3GNY welcome you to join our third annual Yom HaShoah Commemoration Service to remember the 6 million Jews who perished during the Holocaust. RSVP (free) here. .

3GNY is an organization founded by grandchildren of Holocaust survivors to preserve the legacies and the lessons of the Holocaust, educate diverse communities about the perils of intolerance and to provide a forum for the descendants of survivors. For more about 3GNY, please visit their website

Don't forget to join the Facebook event and invite your friends. 

Join the Stanton Street Shul - The Fastest Growing Community on the Lower East Side

Want to become a member? We would love for you to join our community.

Membership dues are a key part of our budget, and your annual commitment makes you an integral part of the community. Our members are Stanton’s lifeblood, backbone, and future. Please help keep Stanton alive, vibrant, and growing. To become a member,  please click here. For questions, email

We are proud to be a member synagogue of 
The Downtown Va'ad

The Downtown Va'ad is an Orthodox rabbinic network, intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.

Get in Touch!

The Stanton Street Shul is located at

180 Stanton St., New York, NY 10002


Our mailing address is:

P.O. Box 1008, New York, NY 10002


Visit our website:

Send us an email:


To submit an announcement for our newsletter


Wed, May 1 2024 23 Nisan 5784